Rule 13.6.1
This test consists in detecting each downloadable file on the page.
Business description
Dans chaque page Web, chaque fichier en téléchargement via un lien ou un formulaire a-t-il des informations relatives à son format (hors cas particuliers) ?
Technical description
Decision level
All the <a>
tags with an "href"
attribute (a[href])
All the elements from Set1 with an "href"
attribute that does not
contain a fragment (presence of the hash sign (#))
All the elements from Set2 that have a proper extension (no parameters, a path after the domain that contains a "." character)
All the <form>
tags (form)
For each element of Set3, we check whether the content of the "href"
attribute of the link ends with an extension that belongs to the
downloadable document extension
For each element returning true in Test1, raise a MessageA
IF Test1 returns false, we check whether the size of Set2 is equals to size of Set3. In other words, we verify that all the links of the page have a well-defined extension.
If Test2 returns false (some links have no extension on the page), raise a MessageB.
If Test2 returns true (all the links have a well-defined extension that belongs to the web content extension list), we check whether Set4 is empty (the page contains forms that may lead to a downloadable document).
If Test3 returns false (some form are found on the page), raise a MessageC.
MessageA : File To Download Detected, check format
- code : FileToDownloadDetectedCheckFormat
- status: Pre-Qualified
- parameter : href title attribute, title attribute, snippet
- present in source : yes
MessageB : Check manually links without extension
- code : CheckManuallyLinkWithoutExtension_Rgaa30-13061
- status: Pre-Qualified
- present in source : no
MessageC : Check downloadable document from form
- code : CheckDownloadableDocumentFromForm_Rgaa30-13061
- status: Pre-Qualified
- present in source : no
Not Applicable
- The page has no link that are no anchor (Set2 is empty)
- All the links of the page have a well-defined extension AND all the extension are of web content type AND the page has no form (Test3 returns true)
In all other cases
We assume that a targetted document (pointed by the "href"
attribute of
the link) can be characterized by its extension.
Here is the content of the downloadable document extension list (feel free to help us improving it or to criticise it) :
- ods
- fods
- odt
- fodt
- odp
- fodp
- odg
- fodg
- doc
- docx
- docm
- dot
- dotm
- xls
- xlsx
- xlsm
- xlt
- xltx
- xltm
- xlc
- xlr
- xlam
- csv
- ppt
- pptx
- pps
- vsd
- vst
- vss
- sxc
- sxd
- sxi
- sxm
- sxw
- sda
- sdc
- sdd
- sdf
- sdp
- sds
- sdw
- oth
- otg
- ots
- ott
- cwk
- cws
- tar
- tgz
- bz
- bz2
- zip
- gzip
- gz
- Z
- 7z
- rar
- r00
- rpm
- deb
- msi
- exe
- bat
- pif
- class
- torrent
- dmg
- apk
- bin
- bak
- dat
- jar
- mdk
- dsk
- vmdk
- r00
- r01
- r02
- r03
- r04
- r05
- r06
- r07
- r08
- r09
- r10
- r11
- r12
- r13
- r14
- r15
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- taz