Rule 5.5.1
This test consists in checking the relevancy of the caption of data tables.
Business description
Pour chaque tableau de données (balise table
) ayant une balise caption
, le contenu de cette balise donne-t-il le titre du tableau ?
Technical description
Decision level
Set1 (table tags identified as data table from html markers)
All the <table>
tags with an "id" attribute or a "class" attribute or a "role" attribute that matches one of the values set by the user through the "DATA_TABLE_MARKER" parameter AND with a <caption>
child tag.
Set2 (table tags not identified as data table from html markers)
All the <table>
tags that don't have an "id" attribute or a "class" attribute or a "role" attribute that matches one the values set by the use through the "PRESENTATION_TABLE_MARKER" parameter or the
"DATA_TABLE_MARKER" parameter or the "COMPLEX_TABLE_MARKER" parameter AND with a <caption>
child tag. That means select all the <table>
tags of the page when these parameters are empty.
The <caption>
child tag of each element of Set1.
The <caption>
child tag of each element of Set2.
For all elements of Set3 (caption of data tables identified by a html marker), check whether the content of the <caption>
tag is not relevant (see Notes for details about relevancy test).
For each occurence of false-result of Test1, raise a MessageA. Raise a MessageB instead.
For all elements of Set4 (tables not identified by a html marker), check whether the content of the <caption>
tag is not relevant (see Notes for details about relevancy test).
For each occurence of false-result of Test2, raise a MessageC. Raise a MessageD instead.
MessageA : Not Pertinent caption of data table
- code : NotPertinentCaptionForDataTable
- status: Failed
- parameter : tag text, snippet
- present in source : yes
MessageB : Check the pertinence of caption of data table
- code : CheckCaptionPertinenceForDataTable
- status: Pre-Qualified
- parameter : tag text, snippet
- present in source : yes
MessageC : Check the nature of table with not pertinent caption child tag
- code : CheckNatureOfTableForNotPertinentCaption
- status: Pre-Qualified
- parameter : tag text, snippet
- present in source : yes
MessageD : Check the nature of table and the pertinenceof the caption child tag
- code : CheckNatureOfTableAndCaptionPertinence
- status: Pre-Qualified
- parameter : title attribute, snippet
- present in source : yes
At least one table identified as data table has a not pertinent caption (Test1 return false for at least one element)
Not Applicable
The page has no <table>
tag or only table identified as presentation table (Set1 AND Set2 are empty)
In all other cases
The content of the <caption>
tag is seen as not relevant if :
- empty
- only composed of non-alphanumerical characters